My daily solution
Smoker Gel is a disposable solution made from hydrogel. This ashtray instantly extinguishes my cigarette butt and neutralizes smoke and odors.
2 types of ashtray outdoor or indoor
Cup-holder / car drink holder
- 100% practical and eco-responsible
- Cup and lid + 1 gr. of polymer
- Capacity: 20 to 30 butts
- Sold in packs of x25, x50 or x100
eco-responsible, I finally have a clear conscience
Easy to use and ready in 2 minutes
comfort for smokers (and passive ones)

I haven't thrown my cigarette butts out the window since I got my CUP in the car.
I like to smoke a small kéké when I'm on the chairlift, no need to make it do the leap before arrival...
Non-smoker, I put a Smoker-Gel disposable ashtray on the table when I receive my friends for a BBQ, no need to clean the ashtrays! Which was intended for me since my wife couldn't bear to do that...
The Smokergel Team
A committed team
For the comfort of all
Created by responsible smokers
And appreciated by non-smokers
FireWaterDreams SARL
Route de Taillepied 89
1095 Lutry